I'm Single and I'm Happy

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Scattered Thoughts #7

It's really hard to move around nowadays because of the scorching heat. Summer is definitely here to torture me. How I wish I can afford to have a long vacation somewhere colder but I have to make do with an electric fan.

I like hearing mass in the morning before I do any household chores. I tend to feel tired and more likely to skip mass if I do it in the afternoon or evening. But since I've been having a hard time sleeping last the past two nights I woke up just shortly before 8:00 am, too late for the church service near our place. I ended up going to the church in Guadalupe a short ride away from our place where the mass was scheduled 30 minutes later. Being Palm Sunday there are more people attending the service. It was already 10:00 when I headed home and it was a torture to walk home even with an umbrella. But one thing I noticed was the lack of people doing the "pabasa" or the Passion of Christ usually sung in age old melodies by people in makeshift chapels. In our area they usually start it on a Palm Sunday and end on Good Friday. Is it one of those old traditions that is slowly dying because to the ever changing times?
Yesterday was the birthday of one of the most important man in my life. Happy birthday Dad, I hope you are in peace.


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