I'm Single and I'm Happy

Monday, March 05, 2007

When Is It Enough

For the past three weeks the story getting the most media attention in our country is not politics which is a surprise since the campaign period for national post has already started. But rather it's the life and love of Kris Aquino, youngest daughter of former Pres. Corazon Aquino.

His husband is accused of having an affair with a receptionist of a known beauty center which the couple patronize. A marital problem that should have beeen kept between them but is now the talk in all newspapers, tabloids. The entertainment shows of rival stations kept playing it up causing more hurt to all parties concerned.

I was also guilty of wanting to know the latest but only for a while. Hearing and reading about it day in and day out is just too tiring. The stress in already affecting her pregnancy, the risk is simply too costly just for the ratings game of tv stations. I am really hoping that it would stop. Let's give them some peace and privacy and move on to more important issues that needs to be addressed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, this is what sells.


9:03 AM  

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